Common responsibilities and duties expected of a non-medical home care aide in New Jersey
Learn more about the average cost for non-medical home care in the state of New Jersey as well as the factors involved in determining the cost.
A comprehensive guide to becoming a live-in home care aide in the state of New Jersey
The state of New Jersey offers a broad array of programs designed to support its senior population in maintaining independence and dignity within their own homes.
Learn more about the changes in New Jersey in regards to regulation and financial aide options in 2025 for home care.
Medicare's coverage of home health services is a topic of interest for many. It's especially relevant for beneficiaries, caregivers, and healthcare professionals. One component of these services is the one-hour nurse visit. This visit is a crucial part of patient care and can significantly impact patient outcomes.
Jay Leno's recent fall has brought a critical issue to the forefront. It's a stark reminder of the growing concern of senior falls injuries.
It's never too soon to start planning for your later years in life. Learn more about the things you should start considering now to help ensure you can age comfortably in your own home.
With summer coming soon we’re all excited to get outside more. However, nicer weather brings the heat leaving many with additional health risks.
Most elderly prefer to live out their lives in their home instead of a nursing home or assisted living facility. For the elderly to live out their years at home this requires additional assistance for daily care and tasks.
Have you ever heard the term ‘Respite Care’ but wondered what that even means? Being a caregiver to your loved ones is a 24-7 job. Every now and then a break is much needed, which is where respite care comes in.
Here are some signs to look for indicating that a home caregiver could help your aging parents stay in their home.
Financial scams which target seniors are always on the rise. Thieves target seniors for many reasons.
Transitioning as the caregiver for your parent can be an overwhelming thought. Watching your parent in poor health or seeing them age is hard. It is not easy to do but talking to your parents while they are healthy and younger about their health care decisions will help you honor their wishes when the time comes.
Dementia is a collection of symptoms which can occur due to a variety of diseases. Dementia symptoms can include thought, communication and memory impairments but don’t immediately conclude that you or your loved one has dementia.
Dementia can affect a person’s ability to speak and communicate their needs, which is a big challenge for the person and their loved ones, often causing frustration.
Independent living communities are a great option for seniors post retirement. These communities are designed for very healthy and active seniors who can take care of their day to day tasks without needing assistance or constant monitoring.
For elderly people who are in a transitional stage of aging assisted living centers are ideal for them. When living alone is too much work or when help with daily activities required but constant care is not, people tend to transition into assisted living communities.
With age the immune system weakens making it more difficult for the elderly to fight off infections, which is why vaccines are especially important for seniors.
The COVID-19 Coronavirus has added risks to the elderly population. Health & Comfort Home Care Agency’s team of trained professionals are here to help during this pandemic.
Health & Comfort Home Care is committed to ensuring the safety and health of our employees and patients.
As we age we are prescribed medications to help us maintain our health. On average seniors are prescribed 7 medications to take daily. Understanding each of these medications and remembering to take them is a lot of information! Seniors can get easily confused and take their medication improperly or forget to take it all together.
The winter time can be more difficult to get around and stay warm for everyone, seniors especially. The holidays are usually a happy time of year but can also bring about additional risks. Follow our helpful tips and your loved one won’t be forced to hibernate during the winter and will remain safe during the holidays.
Having to watch someone deal with depression is difficult and making it even more difficult is watching your parents deal with it.
If you are taking care of someone with a disability it can be physically and emotionally exhausting. People young and old with a disability need the support of family and friends. Being a caregiver is tough, feeling overwhelmed or stressed is normal.
The National Council on Aging (NCOA) says that for older Americans falls are the leading causes of fatal and non-fatal injuries. Every 11 seconds an older adult is treated in an ER for a fall and every 19 minutes a senior dies from a fall!
The decision to keep your aging parent at home or move them into an assisted living facility is a tough one. Your parent’s health and capabilities play a huge role in this decision. If your parent is healthy enough to live unassisted you should be sure their house has the best possible safety conditions for them.
The summer months for most people means enjoying time outside, fun and relation. For seniors though, the sun and heat can mean more dangers like eye damage, sunburn and dehydration. Below you will find some tips for caring for your elderly relatives in the summer months.
If you’re the health care decision maker for your loved one, you might be asked to make some very important decisions with short notice.
Are you short of time? Family caregivers truly understand the feeling of, there’s always so much to be done and so little time to do it.
Those with advanced and end-stage dementia are more prone to getting pneumonia. This kind of pneumonia you cannot get a vaccine against.
Uncle Sam allows special deductions for when medical expenses start to add up.
Anger as an emotion is neither good nor bad. Anger is just a messenger. Anger can provide energy and motivate you to action. However by itself has never solved a problem.
While in the hospital patients spend a lot of time in bed. Without activity, fluids can build up in the lungs and become a prime site for infection.
One effect of dementia is the change in the way foods smell and taste. A person with Alzheimer’s or another memory disorder might not be able to recognize foods or know if he or she is full or hungry.
A heart attack is a frightening, life-changing event which can affect the entire family.
A survey showed some of the domestic pressures when in this situation which include: reduced leisure time, emotional stress, physical fatigue, financial draws, and loss of privacy.
Being a family caregiver, you might have made some New Year’s resolutions. And like most, you may have already lost your momentum.
Family caregivers are often surprised to be told to stay in the waiting room when bringing their loved ones to an attorney for creating a will or trust.
Did you know you are an ecosystem? As humans we are naturally full of bacteria.